7 Must-Watch Gripping Thriller Movies That Take Place In a Single Room

(All photos credit: IMDb & X)

Khushi Arora
Feb 17, 2025

12 Angry Men

This legal drama follows a story of twelve men who deliberates the guilt of a young defendant in a murder trial, exploring the themes of biases and prejudice.


Released in 1948, the movie revolves around the story of two men who did a murder only for thrill and fun.

Rear Window

This amazing mystery thriller is about a photographer who is on a wheelchair and spends all his time watching his neighbours from his window, observing everything.

The Man From The Earth

This gripping film follows a story of a professor who revealed on his farewell that he is a 14000 year old man, exploring the themes of immortality and history.

My Dinner With Andre

Released in 1981, this whole movie is about two old friends and their deep, philosophical conversation over dinner, discussing life, society and existential ideas.


This amazing psychological drama is about a man played by Tom Hardy who is driving on a highway while making tense phone calls, exploring the themes of isolation and urgency.

Phone Booth

Released in 2002, this psychological thriller is about a man trapped in a phone booth and will be killed by a sniper if he hangs up on a phone.


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