
Mamata Banerjee: There is only one post in the grassroots now - all the posts that are currently extinct except Chairperson Mamata PT8M2S

Mamata Banerjee: তৃণমূলে এখন একটাই পদ - চেয়ারপার্সন মমতা ছাড়া আপাতত অবলুপ্ত সমস্ত পদ

Mamata Banerjee: There is only one post in the grassroots now - all the posts that are currently extinct except Chairperson Mamata

Feb 13, 2022, 12:05 AM IST
Duare Sarkar: '6 more services in Duare Sarkar, total services increased to 24,' announced Mamata Banerjee PT3M13S

Duare Sarkar: 'দুয়ারে সরকারে আরও ৬টি পরিষেবা, মোট পরিষেবা বেড়ে ২৪টি,' ঘোষণা Mamata Banerjee-র

Duare Sarkar: '6 more services in Duare Sarkar, total services increased to 24,' announced Mamata Banerjee

Feb 4, 2022, 12:55 AM IST
Education in Covid: An innovative initiative to encourage parents and children West Bengal | School Student PT3M3S

Education in Covid: অভিভাবক ও শিশুদের উৎসাহ দিতেই এমন অভিনব উদ্যোগ | West Bengal | School Student

Education in Covid: An innovative initiative to encourage parents and children West Bengal | School Student

Feb 1, 2022, 08:20 AM IST
#ApnarRaay: Should school open now? What did the doctor Shuvrajyoti Bhowmik say? ZEE 24 Ghanta | Covid19 PT3M51S

#ApnarRaay: স্কুল কি খোলা উচিৎ এখনই? কী বললেন চিকিৎসক শুভ্রজ্যোতি ভৌমিক | ZEE 24 Ghanta | Covid19

#ApnarRaay: Should school open now? What did the doctor Shuvrajyoti Bhowmik say? ZEE 24 Ghanta | Covid19

Jan 28, 2022, 12:05 AM IST
#ApnarRaay: Should school open now? What did the doctor Shuvrajyoti Bhowmik say? ZEE 24 Ghanta | Covid19 PT6M40S

#ApnarRaay: স্কুল কি খোলা উচিৎ এখনই? কী বললেন চিকিৎসক শুভ্রজ্যোতি ভৌমিক | ZEE 24 Ghanta | Covid19

#ApnarRaay: Should school open now? What did the doctor Shuvrajyoti Bhowmik say? ZEE 24 Ghanta | Covid19

Jan 27, 2022, 11:50 PM IST